

One app for everything - private, P2P & local-first


What is Anytype?

Anytype is a comprehensive and secure data management hub designed to cater to all your organizational needs, encompassing documents, tasks, files, bookmarks, contacts, and beyond. Its innovative architecture prioritizes user privacy and data sovereignty, ensuring a safeguarded experience even when seamlessly transitioning across multiple devices. Anytype empowers users to craft sophisticated dashboards, documents, and knowledge graphs with ease. Compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android, this versatile platform boasts end-to-end encryption, local-first functionality, peer-to-peer synchronization, offline-first capabilities, and embraces an open-source ethos. Notably, Anytype prides itself on being a no-code solution, enhancing accessibility and user-friendliness for a diverse range of users.

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Anytype Alternatives

One app for everything - private, P2P & local-first...
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Get data and insights to take action and drive growth...
One app for everything - private, P2P & local-first...
Achieve goals and motivate...
A database of 3150 angel investors to get seed funding...
Let the right information find you...
Get data and insights to take action and drive growth...

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