

A polyglot tool for code searching, linting, rewriting!


What is ast-grep?

ast-grep, short for Abstract Syntax Tree Grep, is a versatile and powerful tool designed for conducting code searching, linting, and rewriting tasks on a large scale. It’s like having a hybrid of grep, eslint (for JavaScript), and codemod, but with the capability to handle multiple programming languages seamlessly. At its core, ast-grep operates by parsing source code into abstract syntax trees (ASTs), which represent the structure of the code in a hierarchical manner.

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ast-grep Alternatives

Convert any website into mobile app...
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The smartest engineers tell their stories on Hashnode....
New Features in Xcode 7. Xcode 7.0 includes SDKs for OS X version 10.11,...
Developer-first AWS Infrastructure...
Convert any website into mobile app...
Sell where the customers...
The smartest engineers tell their stories on Hashnode....
New Features in Xcode 7. Xcode 7.0 includes SDKs for OS X version 10.11,...
Developer-first AWS Infrastructure...

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