

Lightweight analytics that's not evil


What is TelemetryDeck?

The beauty of TelemetryDeck lies in its customization. You have the power to define the specific types of data you collect and the additional details you want to include with each signal. This allows you to tailor the information to your specific needs. Did a user just complete a critical action within your app? Or perhaps they encountered a specific bug? With TelemetryDeck, you can capture these events and the surrounding context, providing invaluable insights for improvement.


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TelemetryDeck Alternatives

Unlock the power of your data with ease...
AI Enabled User Experience Insights and Conversion Platform...
Turn your data into meaningful narratives...
Website Open Graph, Twitter Card Analyzer & Monitoring Tool...
Market Research Tool for Keyword & Competitor Analysis...
Unlock the power of your data with ease...
AI Enabled User Experience Insights and Conversion Platform...
Turn your data into meaningful narratives...
Website Open Graph, Twitter Card Analyzer & Monitoring Tool...
Market Research Tool for Keyword & Competitor Analysis...

TelemetryDeck Key Info

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